Shanghai Shanjie Electric S&T Co.,Ltd
Shanghai Shanjie Electric S&T Co.,Ltd
Chinese version

exception handling and maintenance of Variable-frequency power supply


If the device has a failure during running, the internal protection circuit of it will automatically turn the power inverter off and stop outputting, and meanwhile the power display window will show the failure code and the buzzer will give off an alarm. At this point, please press the “Stop” key to eliminate the alarm, power the device off, and then resolve related failures based on the failure codes or contact the technical service department of the company.

Failure Code




Power Module Protection

Consecutively press the Stop key to return to the standby status, and then restart.


Over Load

Reduce the load or increase the power capacity.


Over Heat

May be caused by too high temperature of operating environment, heavy load or fan. Please handle based on specific conditions.

地 址:上海市武宁路599弄3号206(上海电科所院内)  电 话: 86-21-51698706
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